Company Secretarial Service

Companies in Hong Kong are required to follow the legislation set out in the Companies Ordinance (Chapter 622) and other related ordinances including but not limited to the Companies (Winding Up and Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance (Chapter 32) and the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Ordinance (Chapter 615).

A private limited company in Hong Kong must have at least one director and a company secretary. If there is only one director in the company, he/she cannot be the company secretary of the company at the same time. The shareholder of a private limited company can be an individual or a corporation.

Services we provide:

Our professional team has years of experience. We know our clients’ business and keep tract of the deadlines. We put the relevant documents in order in accordance to the legislation to make sure the clients’ companies always stay compliant. We provide our clients with experience with regard to incorporation, share allotment and transfer, deregistration, etc. in Hong Kong.

Read more on ...

Company Incorporation  Change of Company Name  Closing a Private Company  Appointment of Company Secretary  Directors of a Limited Company  Significant Controller  Shareholders of a Limited Company  Transfer of Shares  Allotment of Shares  Annual General Meeting 

Company Incoporation

You have to setup a company by applying a business registration certificate to do business in Hong Kong.

Companies can be formed under the Company Ordinance Cap 622 as:

  • a public company limited by shares;
  • a private limited company limited by shares;
  • a company limited by guarantee without share capital;
  • a public unlimited company with share capital; or
  • a private unlimited company with share capital.

Below are some of the key requirements:

  • Either with or without limited liability, to be formed by one or more persons.
  • The founder member(s) will be required to complete and sign his name to a Articles of Association (AA) and comply with the other requirements of the Company Ordinance  in respect of registration (s.69).
  • Under s.68of the Company Ordinance, an incorporation form must contain :
    • Name of the company;
    • Intended registered office address;
    • statement as to whether the company is to be limited by shares, limited by guarantee or unlimited;
    • if limited by shares or guarantee, a statement as to whether it is to be a private company;
    • for company limited by shares or unlimited, a statement of capital and initial shareholding including the different classes of shares: total No. and total amount of shares, amounts to be subscribed by each of the founder member,  (s.8 of schedule 2);
    • If limited by guarantee, the amount that each person who is to be a member undertakes to contribute to its assets if it is wound up;
    • name and address of each founder member;
    • Regarding the persons acting the director and secretary of the company on incorporation, stating the name, residential address, No. of ID or No. and issuing country of passport, 
    • A Statement of compliance with the CO regarding registration;
    • Statements signed by each of the director stating that he or she has consented to be a director of the company and that he or she has attained the age of 18 years.
    • Statement that the company’s AA have been signed in accordance with s.67
  • The incorporation form must be signed by any one of the founder member and delivered to the Registrar together with copies of the AA.(ss.69, 67)
  • The AA or statement of content of the AA must be signed by each founder member (s.69, s.7 of Schedule 2).
  • When the incorporation form together with its enclosed AA are registered, the company is incorporated, the Registrar will issue a certificate of incorporation certifying that the company is incorporated and if the members have limited liability, that the company is limited (s.71).
  • The AA must state, as mandatory provisions,
    • s.83, whether the liabilities of members is limited by shares, limited by guarantee, or unlimited.
    • s.80, Name of the company;
    • s.84, extend of liabilities of members; and
    • s.85, Statement of capital and initial shareholdings;
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