Taxation Service

Hong Kong has a simple and low tax rate system and attract many foreign investors. There are 3 main types of taxes in Hong Kong:

  • Salaries Tax – 15%
  • Profit Tax – 8.25% for the first HK$2million of assessable profits or 16.5%for over HK$2 million of assessable profits
  • Property Tax – 15%

Hong Kong adopts a territorial source principle of taxation, which means that only profits sourced in Hong Kong are taxable in Hong Kong. Profits Tax is only charged on profits arise in or are derived from Hong Kong, which means that a person who carries on a business in Hong Kong but derives profits from another place is not required to pay tax in Hong Kong on those profits.

Services we provide:

We are especially adept at assisting clients in the planning of their tax affairs and to structure tax efficient deals. We understand the business and economic environment and combine this with specialist tax knowledge. We help you navigate complexity to achieve business objectives by reducing tax risks and meeting your compliance obligations.

We can provide specific services such as:

  • Act as tax representative
  • Filing of corporate tax returns, Employers’ and Employees’ return
  • Apply extension for tax return filing
  • Assist in handling IRD enquires, tax field audit or tax investigation
  • Provide tax planning and consultation

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Profits Tax  Salaries Tax  Property Tax 

Profits Tax

Persons who are carrying on any trade, profession or business in Hong Kong are chargeable to tax on all profits arising in or derived from Hong Kong.

Corporations are charged to profits tax and provisional tax at the rate of 16.5% set out in Sch. 8 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap112) while individuals and unincorporated business (sole proprietorships or partnerships) are charged at the standard tax rate of 15% set out in Sch. 1 of the Inland Revenues Ordinance (Cap 112).

Since 2018/19, profits tax calculated under the Two-Tiered Profits Tax Rates Regime to reduce the profits tax burden of taxpayers in Hong Kong. For the first HK$2,000,000 of assessable profits, the tax rate will be reduced to by one-half, i.e. 8.25% for corporations while by 7.5% for sole proprietorships or partnerships.

Generally, tax reduction is allowed for outgoings and expenses arising from carrying on of a business such as rental fee, employees’ salaries, the contribution of mandatory provident fund scheme (only eligible for unincorporated businesses), and interests on borrowings.

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