Human Resources Service

Employee is one of the most valuable and important assets of a company to be successful in business. Companies need to hire the right person for the jobs and provide adequate & competitive benefits & remuneration to its employee.

There are a number of ordinance in relation to employee that employer must to comply with:

  • Employment Ordinance (Cap 57)
    The ordinance covers areas such as contract terms, statutory holidays, sick and maternity leave, severance and long-service payments, etc.
  • Employee Compensation Ordinance (Cap 282)
    The ordinance lays down the rights and obligations of employers and employees in respect of injuries or death caused by accidents arising out of and in the course of employment.
  • Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance (Cap 485)
    This ordinance is the principal legislation to provide the framework for the establishment of a system of privately managed, employment-related mandatory provident fund (MPF) schemes to accrue MPF benefits for members of the workforce when they retire
  • Occupational Retirement Schemes Ordinance (Cap 426)
    This ordinance is the principal legislation which establishes a registration system for occupational retirement schemes voluntarily established by employers to provide retirement benefits for their employees.

Services we provide:

Our team is equipped with accumulated experience, skills, know-hows, knowledge of the relevant legislations. We can give advice to our clients on HR matters in relation to the Employment Ordinance and Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme Ordinance in matters such as recruitment, drafting employment contract, employee record maintenance, leave arrangements, payroll preparation (including MPF enrollment & maintenance), employers’ return and filing on staff remuneration, employees’ return and filing for salaries tax, compilation of employee handbook, and handling labor disputes.

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Employmnet Ordinance  Employee Compensation  Mandatory Provident Fund  Employer's Return  Labour Dispute 

Employment Ordinance

The Employment Ordinance (Cap 57) applies to all employee except for a) a family member who lives in the same dwelling as the employer; b) employee as defined in the Contracts for Employment Outside Hong Kong Ordinance; c) person serving under a crew agreement under the Merchant Shipping (Seafarers) Ordinance or on board a ship which is not registered in Hong Kong; or d) apprentice whose contract of apprenticeship has been registered under the Apprenticeship Ordinance.

All employees covered by the Employment Ordinance are entitled to basic protection under the Ordinance including payment of wages, restriction of wages deduction and the granting of statutory holidays, etc.

There is no definition on “full-time employment” or “part-time employment” in the Employment Ordinance. However, if an employee has been employed continuously by the same employer for 4 weeks or more, with at least 18 hours worked in each week, it is regarded as being employed under a “Continuous Contract”.

Employee employed under a Continuous Contract are further entitled to such benefits as rest days, paid annual leave, sickness allowance, severance payment and long service payment, etc.

Employment contract can be made orally or in writing. It must include a) wage, b) wage period, c) length of notice required to terminate the contract, and d) if the employee is entitled to an end of year payment, the end of year payment or proportion and the payment period.

Employers are required to keep proper records for each employee for at least 7 years.

Rest Days, Holidays & Leaves
Rest Days

An employee employed under a continuous contract is entitled to one rest day in every period of seven days. Rest days cannot co-inside with statutory holidays. A rest day is defined as a continuous period of not less than 24 hours during which the employee is entitled to abstain from working for the employer.

Statutory Holidays

An employee, irrespective of his length of service, is entitled to the following 13 days of statutory holidays:

  • the first day of January
  • Lunar New Year's Day
  • the second day of Lunar New Year
  • the third day of Lunar New Year
  • Ching Ming Festival
  • Labour Day, being the first day of May
  • the Birthday of the Buddha
  • Tuen Ng Festival
  • Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Establishment Day, being the first day of July
  • the day following the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival
  • Chung Yeung Festival
  • National Day, being the first day of October
  • Chinese Winter Solstice Festival or Christmas Day

All statutory holidays should be paid. If an employee is required to work on statutory holiday, the employer must give notice and arrange an alternative holiday. However, employer cannot make any form of payment in lieu of a statutory holiday.

Paid Annual Leave

An employee is entitled to 7 days' annual leave with pay after serving every period of 12 months under a continuous contract. Entitlement of paid annual leave will increase progressively to a maximum of 14 days according to the length of service of the employee.

Employment contract is not allowed to have any terms to forego all or any of the employee's annual leave entitlement, including payment of wages in lieu of any annual leave days. However, the law allows an employee to choose to accept payment in lieu of that part of his leave entitlement which exceeds 10 days.

An employee is entitled to pro-rata annual leave pay on completion of 3 months but less than 12 months' service in a leave year if his employment contract is terminated unless the employee is dismissed by summary dismissal

Sickness Allowance

An employee employed under a continuous contract is entitled to sickness allowance if:

  • the sick leave taken is not less than four consecutive days (unless for any day off taken by a female employee for her pregnancy check-ups, post confinement medical treatment or miscarriage, any such day on which she is absent shall be counted as a sickness day and, subject to the following conditions, be paid sickness allowance);
  • the sick leave is supported by an appropriate medical certificate*(regarding an employee’s medical examination in relation to her pregnancy, the employee may also produce a certificate of attendance** apart from a medical certificate); and
  • the employee has accumulated sufficient number of paid sickness day

Paid sickness days are accumulated at the rate of two paid sickness days for each completed month of the employee's employment during the first 12 months, and four paid sickness days for each completed month of employment thereafter. Paid sickness days can be accumulated throughout the whole employment period, but shall not exceed 120 days at any one time.

Employer is not allowed to terminate the contract of an employee on his paid sickness day except in cases of summary dismissal due to serious misconduct.

Maternity Leave

An employee is eligible for 14 weeks’ paid maternity leave if she has been employed under a continuous contract for not less than 40 weeks immediately before the commencement of scheduled maternity leave.

In case the length of employment service under a continuous contract is less than 40 weeks immediately before the commencement of scheduled maternity leave, the employee is eligible for 14 weeks’ maternity leave without pay if the employee has given notice of pregnancy and her intention to take maternity leave to her employer after the pregnancy has been confirmed.

Paternity Leave

Male employee employed under continuous contract is entitled to 5 days paternity leave for each confinement of his spouse if he is the father of a new-born child or a father-to-be.

An eligible male employee may take paternity leave at any time during the period from 4 weeks before the expected date of delivery of his child to 14 weeks beginning on the actual date of delivery of his child. He may take all 5 days of paternity leave in one go or on separate days.


"Wages" means all remuneration, earnings, allowances, tips and service charges, however designated or calculated, payable to an employee in respect of work done or work to be done. Allowances including travelling allowances, attendance allowances, commission and overtime pay are within the definition of wages.

Employer must pay wage above the Statutory Minimum Wage (SMW) to any employee. Effective from 1 May 2019, the SMW rate is $37.5 per hour.

Wages is due to be paid to employee on the last day of the wage period. Employer should pay wages as soon as practicable, but in any case not later than 7 days after the end of wage period. Employer is required to pay interest on the outstanding amount if he fails to pay wages with 7 days when it becomes due. Wages can be paid to employee by cash, cheque, bank transfer, etc.

Employee’s portion of the MPF contribution can be deducted from the wages payable to the employee.

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