Come2HK for non-Hong Kong Residents

The Come2hk Scheme will facilitate non-Hong Kong residents staying in Guangdong and Macao to come to Hong Kong without being subject to compulsory quarantine requirement. 

The person is required to apply for a quota for entering Hong Kong via the online booking system for the Come2HK Scheme. 

Non Hong Kong residents who have reserved a quota must come to Hong Kong on the date and via the boundary control point as specified in the booking, with the proof of a valid negative nucleic acid test result which is obtained within 3 days prior to, or on the day of entry into Hong Kong, with which he/she would be exempted compulsory quarantine requirement when coming to Hong Kong. 

The scheme is only applicable to people not coming from "at-risk places" which is published by the Centre for Health Protection of the Department of Health.

Date: 2022.05.27
