Company Registry New Inspection Regime

Under Phase 2 of the New Inspection Regime of the Companies Register which is effective from 24 October, 2022 (the "Commencement Date"), the usual residential addresses of directors and full identification numbers of directors, company secretaries and some other individuals such as authorized representatives and liquidators (collectively referred to as “Protected Information”) contained in documents delivered to the Companies Registry (“the Registry”) for registration on or after the Commencement Date will not be provided for public inspection.

To facilitate the implementation of Phase 2 of the New Inspection Regime, the Registrar of Companies has revised 26 specified forms which pertain to the reporting of Protected Information for use starting from the Commencement Date.

The major changes that are made to the specified forms include the revision of the relevant parts to facilitate the reporting of correspondence address of directors and partial identification numbers of directors, company secretaries and other individuals.

Revised forms are:

1. NAMA4 委任合併後的公司的董事通知書 Notice of Appointment of Directors of Amalgamated Company
2. NAR1 周年申報表 Annual Return
3. ND2A 更改公司秘書及董事通知書(委任/停任) Notice of Change of Company Secretary and Director (Appointment/Cessation)
4. ND2B 更改公司秘書及董事詳情通知書 Notice of Change in Particulars of Company Secretary and Director
5. ND4 公司秘書及董事辭職通知書 Notice of Resignation of Company Secretary and Director
6. ND5 更改備任董事通知書(提名/停任) Notice of Change of Reserve Director (Nomination/Cessation)
7. ND7 更改備任董事詳情通知書 Notice of Change in Particulars of Reserve Director
8. ND8 備任董事辭職通知書 Notice of Resignation of Reserve Director
9. NDR1 私人公司或擔保有限公司撤銷註冊申請書 Application for Deregistration of Private Company or Company Limited by Guarantee
10. NM3 承按人行使財產管有權通知書 Notice of Mortgagee Entering into Possession of Property
11. NM5 委任接管人或經理人通知書 Notice of Appointment of Receiver or Manager
12. NM7 更改接管人、經理人或管有財產的承按人的詳情通知書 Notice of Change in Particulars of Receiver, Manager or Mortgagee in Possession of Property
13. NNC1 法團成立表格(股份有限公司) Incorporation Form (Company Limited by Shares)
14. NNC1G 法團成立表格(股份有限公司以外的公司) Incorporation Form (Company Not Limited by Shares)
15. NNC5 合資格公司的註冊申請書 Application for Registration of Eligible Company
16. NW3 委任清盤人或臨時清盤人通知書 Notice of Appointment of Liquidator or Provisional Liquidator
17. NW4 更改清盤人或臨時清盤人詳情通知書 Notice of Change in Particulars of Liquidator or Provisional Liquidator
18. NW5 清盤人或臨時清盤人停任通知書 Notice of Cessation to Act as Liquidator or Provisional Liquidator
19. NN1 註冊非香港公司的註冊申請書 Application for Registration as Registered Non-Hong Kong Company
20. NN2 註冊非香港公司終止授權獲授權代表的通知 Notification of Termination of Authorization of Authorized Representative of Registered Non-Hong Kong Company
21. NN3 註冊非香港公司周年申報表 Annual Return of Registered Non-Hong Kong Company
22. NN6 註冊非香港公司更改公司秘書及董事申報表(委任╱停任) Return of Change of Company Secretary and Director of Registered Non-Hong Kong Company (Appointment╱Cessation) 23. NN7 註冊非香港公司更改公司秘書及董事詳情申報表 Return of Change in Particulars of Company Secretary and Director of Registered Non-Hong Kong Company
24. NN8 註冊非香港公司更改獲授權代表申報表(委任╱停任) Return of Change of Authorized Representative of Registered Non-Hong Kong Company (Appointment╱Cessation)
25. NN8C 註冊非香港公司更改獲授權代表詳情申報表 Return of Change in Particulars of Authorized Representative of Registered NonHong Kong Company
26. NN11 註冊非香港公司開始清盤及清盤人/臨時清盤人的委任、停任或更改詳情通知書 Notice of Commencement of Liquidation and Appointment/Cessation and Change in Particulars of Liquidator/Provisional Liquidator of Registered Non-Hong Kong Company

Date: 2022.06.24
