Passage of Bill on Foreign-Sourced Income Exemption Regime

The Inland Revenue (Amendment) (Taxation on Specified Foreign-sourced Income) Bill 2022 was passed by the Legislative Council on December 14 2022. The bill introduces a new foreign-sourced income exemption (FSIE) regime for passive income in Hong Kong, which will take effect on January 1, 2023.

The bill strengthens Hong Kong's tax regime for better combatting cross-border tax avoidance arising from double non-taxation and fulfils the commitment made by Hong Kong to the European Union in 2021 to amending its tax law.

The FSIE regime will put in place an economic substance requirement and nexus requirement to safeguard against possible exploitation of Hong Kong's tax arrangement by shell companies to achieve double non-taxation in respect of foreign-sourced passive income.

To assist taxpayers concerned in complying with the new regime, the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) will implement a package of tax compliance facilitating measures, which seeks to minimise compliance burden on affected taxpayers, enhance tax certainty and ensure tax transparency. These include simplified reporting procedures and the publishing of administrative guidance with illustrative examples on its website. A dedicated team has also been set up by the IRD to provide technical support. Taxpayers may also apply from the IRD for advance rulings on whether the economic substance requirement is met under the FSIE regime.

Date: 2022.12.14
